Monday, October 19, 2009

Wk 12 of 16 Week Program

Ok this is going to be a short post because I'm frustrated...and perhaps concerned...and trying not to dwell on it or read too much I figure I'll keep it short out of avoidance or how much I know I want to kick my own butt.....

Bottom line my lack of distance from prior weeks due to inconsistencies on my interval/speed work days really caught up with me....because after my great 8 mile run last Tuesday...I've had a lot of pain...mainly of hips...actually mainly just my right hip! Only fortunate thing was that this was my slow week where max mileage was 4 so at least I didn't feel the pressure to increase come tonight...buuuutttt even with that said I was not able to get all my mileage in. I couldn' just hurt too much! Saturday finally tried my first run since the 8 miler and could only get to about 3 and it killed!! And killed more when I was done... Rested and tonight tried again....again only got to 2.7 miles! So frustrating. I was literally limping and could put hardly any pressure on my right leg following. It's all numbed up as we speak and just plan on taking a bunch of ibuprofen and stretching!! I know I know suck it up!! So I don't know what the heck the rest of the week is going to look like!! How it's suppose to look is Wed 2miles, Friday 7, Sat 2 and Mon day 9....I can't even think about it...because I just stress myself out and feel like I've already disappointed myself and ....yet I'm not even there or tried rather than do this and get down on myself...I'll say goodbye and hope for the best...a new leg perhaps, magical healing powers, a masseuse to show up at my office tomorrow... :) I can dream! Sorry to be Debbie Downer...but with the good days comes some bad...and I just need to remember that and keep it in perspective. Wish me luck...the next few weeks are going to be very challenging....both mentally and physically!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray!!! I was worried it was your knee(s) after getting your text early this morning. Hips we can deal with, knee problems this close to race day would be tricky.
    Don't stress Steph, you'll get through this. I'll try calling tonight after my yoga class. Try to relax today. Deep breaths :)
