So here it is...the result of all my hard work for the past 6-7 months. I've made to the big day, the half Marathon in beautiful Monterey Bay in California. And was it ever amazing!!!! But most of all I DID IT!!
So the 2 weeks leading up to the day I left...I continued more training runs but the week prior I only did one work out. I was so worried about having no soreness walking into that race! Left Friday Nov 13th with mom with plans to meet B, Zach there on Friday and Shelley and Brian flying in on Sat. Race day - Sunday. Friday and Saturday was filled with a significant amount of nervousness with B and I looking at each other through the days and just shake our heads or laugh. Saturday was great because we drove the route of the race, which was great because it turned out to be the time I really got to take in the true beauty of the route! As much as I would try, I didn't really "take in the sights" during the race. So while driving the route on Sat...mom would say...so this is probably half way right??!!...where you turn around??!! Uh NO....still have a ways to go...well 4 miles later..yes we found the turnaround :) Turned out to be so helpful because when the race came you had a good idea of where you were at and how much was left...EVEN though driving it and running is quite a bit of difference :) Not quite getting that level of speed :) For fun we continued the drive by jumping on "17 mile drive". Such amazing views along the coast..down to Pebble Beach and a good way to stay off our feet. So that night (the night before) I did what I've never done or should I say given myself permission to do :) Carbo load!! :) Hey I was about to burn 1300-1500 cals the next day so bring it on, I needed fuel for the next day...spaghetti, fettucine alfredo...mmmmm I haven't had alfredo in YEARS!!! But what the heck, I finally give myself permission but after eating such smaller portions over the months I was full after 6-7 bites... :) Didn't get a chance to hook up with Brian and Shelley that day but found out that she'd been super sick since Wed and as of Friday wasn't even sure she'd make it...but the girl is awesome and she made it- I felt horrible and thankful all at the same time! Slept better then I ever thought I would but 6 hours later it was time!
5 AM..IMMEDIATE NERVES! Got ready and B and I headed down to the lobby to meet Shelley and Brian. Walking to the race - 5 thoughts - 1) Do I need to use the restroom (sorry but it's a legitimate concern) 2) Don't throw up, don't throw up :) 3)Control your mind 4)let's freakin do this, I've worked my ass off to get here and 5) HAVE FUN!!
So we were all put into corrals with the first corral being those that expect to complete it the quickest and the last being ...well you know the last. Well I was in last because I had no clue where I was going to come in...and that was absolutely fine with me. Only thing that stunk was not being able to be with B, Shelley and Brian....but I knew from the beginning of this that this was MY JOURNEY and one I felt I needed to do alone anyway!! Race starts - first corral A, then B....slowly moving up to the starting line....amazingly enough I found my nerves were the most controlled they'd been to this point. I think mentally I had accepted the challenge and here it was...it was going to be what it was and I knew that no matter what happened I had to be happy with what I've done to this point!! I had come a long way...And now corral I and we're off...!
So I was worried about the first 3 miles because they can still be tough as your muscles warm up and I didn't want it to freak me out as it can tend to do when I do long runs....well I can definitely say that was not a problem!! Mile run found mom and Z man in the downtown area...waving and cheering.....and off for the rest of the race. After mile 1 looked down and my pace was 1:30 faster then my normal...ok adrenaline...get to mile 2 (first port a potties and oh I was fine...but there was a nice line already :))...but my pace still same as my 1st mile...down Cannery Row...hmmm 3-4 miles still same pace...ok ok...now while this makes me happy it makes me scared because it could potentially mean I am doomed at the end. During mile 2-3 it hit me I was doing this..that it was finally here and my eyes started to tear up and then of course I couldn't breathe because I was getting emotional so I quickly had to jerk myself out of that...there was time for that later. So get this...at my mile 4 the leaders from Corral A are passing me on their way back hitting mile 10-11 INSANE! Then I hit mile 5 and my friend Brian is passing me on his way back...and give me the "hang loose" sign...which incidently was in all his pictures from the race (finished 6th in his age group..amazing). Now I'm running right against the ocean...beautiful! I tend to run with my head down...really tried to look around and enjoy it but not so much. Don't get me wrong still enjoyed it but wasn't like oh hey look at the seals or the pretty waves...it was more like oh yeah I need to keep running toward that rock near that surfer and I'll be at mile 6 :) I actually got distracted starting at mile 6 looking for B to head back...finally found him and we did a high five in passing! It was awesome and he looked GREAT!!! Continued running and now was looking for Shelley...found her and waved her down...went to high five her and she grabbed me to hug me and tell me how great I was doing!!! I think I might have tripped a few people in the process but hey this was my girl and she looked great running after being so sick and was just so thankful for again all her positive words and support just being here!!! Ok so continue on and at 7.5 the turn around, ok only 5.5 to go...I'm more than half way there!! Every opportunity I was sucking down GU (essentially frosting in a pack) and gatorade whenever I could! Feeling good but the course was NOT as flat as they described it as being but not bad. At this point had no one else to look for so it was just me and the road for the rest of the way ...oh yeah and the dang woman in the fairy outfit that ticked me off everytime she passed me...yes I know you shouldn't be mad at a fairy because clearly she is good spirited and having a good time but I'll be damned if I'm going to let a fairy beat me! :) 7.5 - 10 was just about plugging along....OK so here's the thing, the farthest I'd gone prior to the race was 9.5 miles so everything between 9.5 - 13.1 was a crap shoot! Well mid mile about mile 11 I quickly found...my legs were rubber...wobbly...walking was even hard...my lower nether region had no feeling yet did and that was pain...strange to describe! I saw a downhill and was happy to run it but actually had to walk out of fear of becoming a cartoon character that turns into a rolling ball as they fall down the hill and of course in front of the aquarium with a ton of tourists and a man dressed as an otter trying to high five me....I gave that otter the look of DEATH!! :) Soon the mile 12 mark and I am miserable, my quads which have never bothered me are SHOT! Keep going, you can do it...oh crap an uphill...what the @$%#$?!!! Ok passed that...dang that fairy again....forget it she can have it...what now a woman in a red boa...Am I in a different race then I started??!! Or am I hallucinating??!! Screw it they can beat me....Ok 12.5 I'm almost there...I feel good all of a sudden...my legs were strong (as much as they could be) and I felt good....I was running, really running and I probably had about .2 left and I see Shelley and Brian walking back to find me....Shelley starts running with me and she has her wonderful encouraging smile she always has and just starts telling me "You are doing it...you are REALLY doing it...and you look great!! You're going to do this" And me huffing and puffing....."how much further is the line???". Right around the corner...she drops off to let me finish and I continue..the crowds grow and I know I'm almost there...I see the red FINISH LINE and kick it! Hit the finish line with a high five to the official and I immediately see me B, Zach and Mom right off the finish line and LOSE IT! I grab B over the fence and hug him and just cry/laugh. I was completely overwhelmed emotionally!! I had just completed something I never thought I would try, want or think to do! Up to this my thoughts of running were about being chubby in grade school and having to run a mile around a basketball court and walking most of it and hating every single minute of it..and honestly that was always my memory everytime I ran. I have a whole new memory now...me at 34 in Monterey, strong and hitting mile 13 and sprinting to the finish!!!
After gathering myself I slide the medal around my neck and walked through the tent...more like limp..and they give me a box in which they are throwing bananas, oranges, juice, bagels and whatever other stuff you can imagine and my weariness is all kicking in. The last thing I want to be doing right now is holding this box. I see mom, B and Zach and hand it off. It was hilarious...my mind and body didn't know what to do with itself...I didn't want to walk, sit, stand...I wanted to laugh, cry etc...everything hurt. But at the finish line a beer garden...strange but heck ya...B brought me a drink and it was the best beer we'd ever had and at 10 am baby ...who cares! I just ran 13 miles...I can do whatever I want! Quickly turned into wanting to get out of there and back to the room and into a cold bathe..ahhhh! With Z man yelling through the door if I was a popcicle yet :) Hour later met up with Shelley and Brian for lunch of yummy taco and talking about the race. Afterward headed back to room to decide what was next...which was a nap :) B and I laugh because even napping hurt...legs straight hurt...curled hurt...this side that side hurt...breathing hurt LOL :) Next morning left for Santa Cruz still achy but not horrible...rest of the trip was just spent relaxing and having fun along the beach with Z man. Was able to hit the jacuzzi and pool in Santa Cruz and I think that helped a ton! But mostly I was very surprised how quickly I healed...still sore running but overall not bad.
So back in April when I decided mentally (not knowing completely how I was going to do this physically, being overweight and limited working out) I started to prepare...I was honestly trying to convince people I was going to do this while internally questioning what the heck did I just get myself into. But I NEEDED TO DO THIS! I HAD TO DO THIS! I was in a funk both mentally and weight wise and needed to get my crap together!! And this did it...it saved me from stress from work, got me healthly and strong...and for that I now LOVE RUNNING!!! I found my inner competitive spirit again which respresents me and my inner soul and what I thrive on....I FEEL ALIVE AGAIN!!! And for that I'm thankful this Thanksgiving for all this and for of all my family and friends!!